

Journal papers

  1. 石黒浩,"アンドロイド",日本機械学会誌,Vol.115, No.1126,pp.630-631

  2. 浅田 稔,川人 光男,土井 美和子,明和 政子,細田 耕,國吉 康夫,乾 敏郎,石黒 浩,"構成的発達科学の目指すもの",日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.30, No.1,pp.33-44

  3. 港隆史,吉川雄一郎, 石黒浩,"共創知能研究用ヒューマノイドプラットフォームの開発",日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.30, No.1,pp.20-25

  4. 吉川雄一郎,石黒浩,"社会的共創知能へのアプローチ : 社会的行動獲得と社会関係構築の相互作用の構成",人工知能学会誌,Vol.27, No.1,pp.12-19

  5. Takashi Minato, Dale Thomas, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, and Hiroshi Ishiguro,"A model to explain the emergence of imitation development based on predictability preference",IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development,Vol.4, Issue 1,pp.17-28

  6. Toshihiko Shimizu, Ryo Saegusa, Shuhei Ikemoto, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Giorgio Metta,"Self-protective whole body motion for humanoid robots based on synergy of global reaction and local reflex",Neural Networks,Vol. 32,pp.225-23-

  7. Surya G. Nurzaman, Yoshio Matsumoto, Yutaka Nakamura, Kazumichi Shirai, and Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Bacteria-inspired underactuated mobile robot based on a biological fluctuation",Adaptive behavior,Vol. 20, No. 4,pp.225-236

  8. Dylan F. Glas, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita,"Temporal Awareness in Teleoperation of Conversational Robots",IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans,Vol. 42, No. 4,pp.905-919

  9. Dylan F. Glas, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita,"Teleoperation of Multiple Social Robots",IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans,Vol. 42, No. 3,pp.530-544

  10. Kayako Nakagawa, Masahiro Shiomi, Kazuhiko Shinozawa, Reo Matsumura, Hiroshi Ishiguro, and Norihiro Hagita,"Effect of Robot's Whispering Behavior on People's Motivation",International Journal of Social Robotics,Vol. 4, No. 2

  11. 田中一晶,加藤慶,中西英之,石黒浩,"人の移動の表現方法:ズームカメラと移動ディスプレイによる社会的テレプレゼンスの向上",情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.53, No.4 ,pp.1393-1400

  12. 松村 礼央,塩見 昌裕,宮下 敬宏,石黒 浩, 萩田 紀博,"人々との身体的なインタラクションを行う小型ロボットのための 慣性センサを用いた個人同定手法の確立",電子情報通信学会論文誌A,Vol.J95-A,No.1,pp.60-73

  13. 中川 佳弥子,塩見 昌裕,篠沢 一彦,松村 礼央,石黒 浩,萩田 紀博,"ロボットの能動的接触は人間のモチベーションを上げるか?",電子情報通信学会論文誌A,Vol.J95-A,No.1,pp.136-145

  14. Hajime Nagahara, Changyin Zhou, Takuya Watanabe, Hitroshi Ishiguro and Shree K. Nayar,"Programmable Aperture Camera Using LCoS",IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications,Vol.4,pp.1-11

  15. 小川浩平, 石黒浩,"詩の朗読エージェントとしてのアンドロイドの可能性",ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌,vol. 14, no. 1,pp. 43-51

  16. Ikemoto, Shuhei and DallaLibera, Fabio and Hosoda, Koh and Ishiguro, Hiroshi,"Minimalistic behavioral rule derived from bacterial chemotaxis in a stochastic resonance setup",Physical Review E,Vol. 85, Issue 2

  17. Bilge Mutlu, Takayuki Kanda, Jodi Forlizzi, Jessica Hodgins, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Conversational gaze mechanisms for humanlike robots",Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS),Vol. 1, Issue 2

International conference

  1. Kin Chung Denny Fu, Yutaka Nakamura, Tomoyuki Yamamoto and Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Studies of motor synergies in generating optimal goal-directed movements in human-like robotic arm",2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics

  2. Salvatore Anzalone, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Emanuele Menegatti, Enrico Pagello and Rosario Sorbello,"Towards partners profiling in human robot interaction contexts",The Third International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots(SIMPAR 2012)

  3. Ishi, C., Liu, C., Ishiguro, H. and Hagita, N,"Evaluation of formant-based lip motion generation in tele-operated humanoid robots",2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2012)

  4. Martin D. Cooney, Shuichi Nishio, Member, IEEE, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Recognizing Affection for a Touch-based Interaction with a Humanoid Robot",2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2012)

  5. Martin Cooney, Francesco Zanlungo, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Designing a Flying Humanoid Robot (FHR): Effects of Flight on Interactive Communication",IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012)

  6. Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Erina Okamoto, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Isolation of physical traits and conversational content for personality design",IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012)

  7. Ilona Straub, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"From an Object to a Subject -- Transitions of an Android Robot into a Social Being",IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012)

  8. Shuichi Nishio, Kohei Ogawa, Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Shoji Itakura, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Do robot appearance and speech affect people’s attitude? Evaluation through the Ultimatum Game",IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012)

  9. Kohei Ogawa, Koichi Taura, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Effect of perspective change in body ownership transfer to teleoperated android robot",IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012)

  10. Kohei Ogawa, Koichi Taura, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Possibilities of Androids as Poetry-reciting Agent",IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012)

  11. Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Kohei Ogawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Teleoperated Android as an Embodied Communication Medium: A Case Study with Demented Elderlies in a Care Facility",IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012)

  12. Kaiko Kuwamura, Takashi Minato, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Personality Distortion in Communication through Teleoperated Robots",IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2012)

  13. C.T. Ishi, C. Liu, H. Ishiguro, N. Hagita,"Evaluation of a formant-based speech-driven lip motion generation",Interspeech2012

  14. Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Erina Okamoto, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Doppel Teleoperation System: Isolation of physical traits and intelligence for personality study",COGSCI2012

  15. Burcu Aysen Urgen, Markus Plank, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Howard Poizner, Ayse Pinar Saygin,"Temporal Dynamics of Action Perception: The Role of Biological Appearance and Motion Kinematics",COGSCI2012

  16. Hidenobu Sumioka, Takashi Minato, Kurima Sakai, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Motion Design of an Interactive Small Humanoid Robot with Visual Illusion",The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction(APCHI2012)

  17. Takashi Minato Shuichi Nishio Kohei Ogawa Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Development of Cellphone-type Tele-operated Android",The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction(APCHI2012)

  18. Hiroshi Ishiguro, Shuichi Nishio, Antonio Chella, Rosario Sorbello, Giuseppe Balistreri, Marcello Giardina, Carmelo Cali,"Perceptual Social Dimensions of Human-Humanoid Robot Interaction",The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems(IAS-12)

  19. Ryuji Yamazaki, Shuichi Nishio, Kohei Ogawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Kohei Matsumura, Kensuke Koda, Tsutomu Fujinami,"How Does Telenoid Affect the Communication between Children in Classroom Setting ?",The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2012)

  20. Maryam Alimardani, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"BMI-teleoperation of androids can transfer the sense of body ownership",Cognitive Neuroscience Society's Annual Meeting (CNS2012)

  21. Peter H. Kahn, Jr., Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Brian T. Gill, Jolina H. Ruckert, Solace Shen, Heather E. Gary, Aimee L. Reichert, Nathan G. Freier,"Do People Hold a Humanoid Robot Morally Accountable for the Harm It Causes?",the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction(HRI2012)

  22. Chaoran Liu, Carlos Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Norihiro Hagita,"Generation of nodding, head tilting and eye gazing for human-robot dialogue interaction",the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction(HRI2012)

  23. Tetsushi Ikeda, Takahiro Miyashita, Hiroshi Ishiguro, and Norihiro Hagita,"Pedestrian Identification by Associating Walking Rhythms from Wearable Acceleration Sensors and Biped Tracking Result",Int. Conf. on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS2012)

  24. Fransiska Basoeki, Fabio DallaLibera, Takashi Minato, Hiroshi Ishiguro,"A study on the use of tactile instructions for developing robot's motions",Proc. the 17th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2012 (AROB 17th '12)

  25. Fabio DallaLibera, Shuhei Ikemoto, Hiroshi Ishiguro, and Koh Hosoda,"Control of real world complex robots using a biologically inspired algorithm",Proc. the 17th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2012 (AROB 17th '12)

  26. Yuya Okadome, Yutaka Nakamura and Hiroshi Ishiguro,"Control method for a redundant robot using stored instances",The Seventeenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2012 (AROB 17th ’12)

Domestic conference

  1. 岡留 有哉, 中村 泰, 石黒 浩,"ノンパラメトリック予測に基づく複雑な構造を持つロボットに対する制御",第30回日本ロボット学会学術講演会

  2. Toshihiko Shimizu, Ryo Saegusa, Shuhei Ikemoto, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Giorgio Metta,"Self-Protection for Life-Long Learning of Humanoid Robots based on Global Reaction and Local Reflex",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  3. 石黒浩,"GCOE 認知脳理解に基づく未来工学創成",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  4. 松本吉央, 吉川雅博, 脇田優仁, 中村泰,石黒浩, 住谷昌彦, 宮尾益知,"アンドロイドと安心安全ロボティクス",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  5. 山本知幸, Surya G. Nurzaman, 濱田隆一, 石黒浩, 佐藤太一, 札場勇大, 津坂優子,"柔軟物の挿入動作における技能について: 第1報人間の戦略の分析",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  6. 塩見昌裕, 松村礼央 , 宮下敬宏, 石黒浩,萩田紀博,"小型ロボットのための身体的なインタラクションを通じた個人・動作推定手法の提案",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  7. 吉川雄一郎, 齊藤洋輔, 石黒浩,"陪席ロボットの頷き混同によるコミュニケーションの支援",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  8. 奥村 優子, 鹿子木 康弘, 神田 崇行, 石黒 浩, 板倉 昭二,"ヒトとロボットが乳児の物体学習に与える影響",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  9. 塩見 昌裕, 胡桃沢 薫, 神田 崇行, 石黒 浩, 萩田 紀博,"無線電波強度と人位置を用いた 無線LAN 端末所有者の位置推定手法の確立",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  10. 岡留 有哉, 中村 泰, 石黒 浩,"k-NN を用いた予測に基づく複雑な構造をもつロボットに対する制御法",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  11. 曽根孝基, 武村紀子, 中村泰, 吉川雄一郎, 石黒浩,"発話履歴を利用した対話相手の意図の推定",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  12. 横山晋, 吉川雄一郎, 中村泰, 石黒浩,"陪席ロボットの行動決定のための識別器を用いた人間の行動予測",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  13. 井出 充洋, 仲田 佳弘, 中村 泰, 平田 勝弘, 石黒 浩,"剛性楕円の調整による柔軟な物理インタラクションを行う筋骨格上肢ロボットの開発",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  14. 山中惇平,中村泰,横川智史,山本知幸,津坂優子,佐藤太一,札場勇大,石黒浩,"間違いを含む教示データを用いたロボットの動作学習",ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2012(ROBOMEC2012)

  15. 石井カルロス寿憲, 劉超然, 石黒浩, 萩田紀博,"フォルマントによる口唇動作生成の試み",日本音響学会2012年春季研究発表会